Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Mini Challenges: Create a Fire Escape Plan

Our Nov. 1 mini-challenge will be to create and practice a fire escape plan for your family.

Here is a link to the Red Cross's information on home fires. They will have ideas, suggestions, and tools for helping to create your plan.

Make sure that you know special circumstances about your home, such as multi story, basement apartment, etc, that may need to be addressed in your escape plan.

For those of you who may have multi-story homes, you may want to get a fire escape ladder (if your home is not already equipped with such a resource). Here are a couple of places on-line that sell them:

Fire Escape Systems

You can also check with your local hardware or home improvement store (such as Home Depot or Lowes. Home Depot sells the ladders on-line) for these ladders or similar fire escape systems.

Get your kids and spouse involved, make it a family affair, and make sure everyone knows and practices the escape plan.

1 comment:

Kerri said...

Great site. I have a preparedness blog, too. It's