Our last challenge was to determine your food storage needs, so hopefully you have a good idea of the supplies your family will need for this new challenge. Now I don't expect anyone to rush out and buy a year's supply, in fact this challenge will be really, really, really easy.
Here is the goal: gather enough food for your family for 72 HOURS! That is right folks, 3 days. According the government, that is approximately how long it would take for emergency services to reach you during a disaster (now let's face it, it would probably take longer based on the disaster, but let's start out with an easy time frame). Our nation has been experiencing some wild weather lately, so I am sure a lot of people can relate to being stuck at home, evacuated, or otherwise prevented from accessing your normal services.
Your 72 Hour goal should include some basic items:
- Water - very important as you can't survive longer than a few days without water. Consider getting water bottles in whatever size you feel comfortable getting. You won't be able to count on your city/well water as a source in an emergency, so make sure to have a back up.
- Food- Make sure that this food can be consumed with minimal cooking. Why is that? Consider that during an emergency you are likely to loose your electricity/gas, and therefore likely to loose your means to cook the food. Consider using canned fruits and veggies, beef jerkey (or other preserved meats like canned tuna), canned milk/powedered milk, cereals, cracker, granola bars or other "high energy" snacks, dried fruits, candies or other high calorie goodies (especially important for people who may be dealing with diabetes or other metabolic disorders), and don't forget to throw in some comfort items (especially for kids). Make sure whatever food that you have is food that you will actually use, since you'll have to rotate through it eventually.
- Medicines- You should at least have basic items like Tylenol (adult and child), multi-vitamins (to help supplement the vitamins/minerals from your food), whatever regular medications that your family members use, items like rubbing alcohol/hydrogen peroxide, and whatever else you use as normal medical supplies.
- Personal Care Items- such as feminine hygiene products, band aids, toilet paper, lotion, shampoo, etc.
You should be able to add these items to your normal shopping list. Take it slowly, don't rush out and buy it all tomorrow. Take the two weeks and spread it out!
** It is important to never use gas or propane powered cooking devices inside. Please be careful when considering your Family Home Storage items. If you plan to have items that will require cooking, be sure to have a safe, outdoor, ventilated space in which to use any cooking devices you may also be storing. Saftey is important!